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全ての道はイエズス会に通ず All Roads Lead to the Jesuits



Leo Laporteという人がどういう人が知らないが、「Joi Ito」で検索して出てきたYouTubeの動画を訳してみた。






Joi Ito Resigns Over Epstein Ties



Published on Sep 10, 2019

幸い私はデニースにこう言ったんだ。もしジョイがTV出場したら、答えづらい質問をしなきゃだめだよ、と。我々は対立的なインタビューは普段はやらないんだけど。でも、ジョイ伊藤にインタビューするんだったら - ちなみに、私は彼と何年にもわたる知り合いで、非常に尊敬している - 君は厳しい質問を彼にしなきゃいけないよと。「なぜあなたはジェフリー・エプスタインから金を受け取ったんですか?」とね。
数日前、Ronan Farrowっていう、The New Yorkerですばらしい仕事をしている記者が、MITから入手した文書を基に記事を発表したんだ。これには次のことが示されていた:
A) MITが、我が校はもうこの男から寄付金を受け取ることはできない。彼は児童性虐待者なんだぞ、と言った;
B) ジョイ伊藤は、寄付金がジェフリー・エプスタインから来ているものであることを隠すための措置を取った。これは、文書に残っている。メールにね。

「そんなにお金が緊迫しているんですか? エプスタインみたいな出資者からお金をもらわなきゃいけないなんて。」
そのThe New YorkerのFarrow氏の記事によると、エプスタインはビル・ゲイツのところに行って、「メディアラボに寄付してくれ」と言ったらしいんだ。エプスタインが仲介人となり、ビル・ゲイツもメディアラボに金を寄付したと。

- それはちょっと不可解だね。ビル・ゲイツがこの人たちのことを知らなかったわけじゃなし。


― ジョイはまだNYT(ニューヨークタイムズ)の役員会メンバーなんだっけ?


― デジタルガレージも?

あれは彼のスタートアップ企業だった。彼はそれのためにと、NYTやナイト財団、他にもいくつかの財団のためにも金をもらっていた。ハーバードの客員教授もしてたけどそれも辞めた。マッカーサー財団も辞めたし、ジョン・S・アンド・ジェームズ・L・ナイト財団(James Johnson James L Knight Foundation)も辞めた。NYTの役員からも降りた。つまり、全部だね。



we had booked an interview with Joi Ito who was the director of it was by the way the director of the MIT Media Lab he has a new book out Denise Howell was going to interview him and then it started to come out that Joi had solicited and taken contributions from a former convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein and we were now really conflicted about this interview

fortunately I told Denise I said if if he comes on you're gonna have to ask him the hard questions we don't normally do that it's wit we you know we we don't want to get in confrontational interviews but if we're gonna interview Joey Ito who by the way I've known for years and have great respect for you're gonna have to ask him the tough questions why did you take money from Jeffrey Epstein

well a couple of days ago Ronan Farrow who's been doing such amazing work for The New Yorker published an article based on documents they got from MIT that showed A) that MIT had said we cannot take any more donations from this guy he's a child molester and that B) Joey Ito took steps and it's in writing it's in emails to hide the fact that the money was coming from Jeffrey Epstein

they said any Jeffrey Epstein donation has to be designated anonymous

they didn't use his name they only used initials and meetings

it was a smoking gun and within a few hours of the release of that article Joi Ito resigned as director of MIT Media Lab

a lot of people had at least two people had left before that but that is quite a shocker and I think one of the questions we would have asked Ito is why

 is money so tight that you have to take money from a source like Epstein?

 apparently according to the Farrow article in The New Yorker Epstein went to Bill Gates and said give money to Media Lab he was an intermediary and Bill Gates gave money to Media Lab as well

which is somewhat mystifying because it's not like Bill Gates didn't know these guys in the first place

it's not entirely clear that Jeffrey Epstein needed to be a middleman

well I I think this is the subtext of this that Epstein was using all of this influence and all of these relationships to kind of scrub his record

and so that makes you know complicit in Epstein's attempt to kind of rejuvenate his reputation an attempt that failed

 I guess there's nothing more to say about it

 it's just it's a bet and you know I again I think Joi he's done great work at Media Lab and and I had a lot of respect for him and I'm just disappointed and shocked frankly

 is Joey ito still on the board or whatever is at the New York time?

 he's now you basically resigned from everything yeah

 including digital garage ?

that was his startup he also took money for that for the times and Knight foundation and several others it had gig at Harvard which he stepped down from he left the MacArthur Foundation he left the James Johnson James L Knight Foundation

 he left the New York Times board

he left a visiting professorship at Harvard I mean this is this is all of it all