People often ask the question. Why is the world defrauded, deceived, manipulated, enslaved? What is the root cause? The root cause is the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve was created in a secret meeting of a political and banking elites at a private resort on Jekyll island in Georgia in 1912.
共謀者たちは、密封された鉄道の車両の中で会議に出席し、苗字抜きでファーストネームだけを用いた。彼らの召使たちが、自分の主人を特定できないようにするためである。 出席した男たちは、自分自身の回顧録を通して、自分たちの陰謀計画を認めた。
The conspirators attended in seal railway cars and only used their first names so that their servants would have no way identifying their men. From their own memoirs these men admitted to their conspirator plans.
The Federal Reserve is the head of the snake. The root cause of the entire slavment of humanity.
The Fed system is designed to imprison us through never-ending debt, fool us to believe our money has value when it is in fact worthless, backed by nothing, based on debt, created out of thin air, recipe for enslavement.
And this system is also designed to one day crash. The debt bubble that we are currently living in is unimaginably large and when it bursts the world is going to experience financial chaos like it has never seen before, and it is only a matter of time.
If not for this insidious privately owned organization we would be living in a completely different world and reality. In the end, things didn't have to turn out this way. We did not have to adopt a debt based on financial system. We did not have to allow the bankers to enslave us all with that.
But our government allowed this to happen. They gave them the power to issue our currency, ultimately giving them ultimate power over us. And this was the plan all along.
Did you know that the sinking of Titanic led to the creation of the Federal Reserve?
As fascinating and as improbable as it may seem, in 1889, a novel called Futility, a creation of Morgan Robertson detailed the sinking of the unsinkable ship. This imaginable ship,
The largest vessel afloat, this imaginable ship called Titan collided with an iceberg in April resulting in high loss of life, because the ship carried too few lifeboats.
14 years later with uncanny similarities, the ship Titanic recreated what happened in the novel.
The two ships had almost identical names. Both ships were designated unsinkable. Both were touted as largest ships at sea, both collided with an iceberg in April. Both resulted in many deaths due to a shortage of life boats. Both had strikingly similar foreplans and technical descriptions.
ベンジャミン・グッゲンハイム(写真1番右)、イジドー・ストラウス(左から2番目)ーメーシーズ百貨店の社長、ジョン・ジェイコブ・アスター4世 - 世界で1番でなくとも、最も裕福だった男の1人。彼らは、この船が沈没した時に死亡した。この3人は、連邦貯蓄銀行の設立に反対していた主要人物だった。1912年までに、連邦貯蓄銀行に対する反対派はすべて抹殺されていた。
Benjamin Goggenheim, Isidor Straus, the head of Macy's department stores, John Jacob Astor, one of if not the wealthiest man in the world at the time, were all killed when it sank. These three men were main opposition to the creation of the US Fed. By April 1912, all opposition to the Federal Reserve was eliminated.
In December 1913, the Federal Reserve was born, controlled by the elite banking cabal, whose ultimate agenda is to enslave humanity.
Could all these coincidence? I think we can no longer afford to believe in such illusions.